05.11.2011 в 16:19
Пишет  son-chik:

Том обращается к фанатам в твиттере!
04.11.2011 в 21:56
Пишет  M.E.T.E.O.R.I:

Обращение Тома к фанам
A shout-out to the letter-writers and Loki-lovers (in a few missives). My lords and ladies of misrule. I am truly overwhelmed, in mind, heart, spirit, and shelving space both by the sheer number of letters I have received and the passion & generosity contained therein. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all the things you have said. I'm beyond honoured by your support, and flattered & proud that you think I am of some actorly use. Because of the schedule of things at the moment, I won't be able to respond immediately to every letter. But please know that I'm receiving them - pictures, paintings & poems - and I am going through them slowly but surely.
You're all awesome. Carry on!


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